Just Stand Up (Текст сложный, но полезный) — Everything will be alright again alright again, alright again the heart is stronger than you think like it could go through anything and even when you think it can’t? It finds a way to still push on though Sometimes you want to run away Aint got the patience for the pain And if you don’t believe it look into your heart The beat goes on I'm telling you things get better through whatever If you fall, dust it off, don't let up Don’t you know you can go be your own miracle You need to know! If the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enough but the heart keeps telling you don't give up who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what? Don't give up, through it all, just stand up Ooh, it's like we all had better days Problems getting all up in your face Just because you go through it Don't mean it got to take control, no You aint got to find no hiding place Because the heart can beat the hate Don’t want to let the mind keep playing you Saying you can't go on I’m telling You, things get better, through whatever If you fall, dust if off, don’t let up Don’t you know, you can go, be your own, miracle You need to know! If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough but the heart keeps telling you don't give up who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what? Don't give up, through it all, just stand up Through it all, just stand up You don’t got to be a prisoner in your mind If you fall, dust it off, you can live your life Yeah, let your heart be your guide Yeah yeah yeah You will know there's a good if you trust the good Everything will be alright, yeah Light up the dark, if you follow your heart And it will get better through whatever If the mind keeps thinking you've had enough But the heart keeps telling you don't give up Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what? Don't give up, through it all, just stand up If the mind keeps thinking you’ve had enough But the heart keeps telling you don't give up Who are we to be questioning, wondering what is what? Don't give up, through it all, just stand up You got it in you, find it within You got in now, find it within now You got in you, find it within You got in now, find it within now You got in you, find it within You got in now, find it within now Find it within you, find it within Through it all, just stand up! —— Push on though — продавливать (сквозь препятствие) Aint (разг.) = Don't Patience — терпение Look into your heart — загляни к себе в сердце Beat goes on — ритм продолжается Whatever (разг.) — что угодно Dust — пыль Dust it off — отряхни пыль Don't let up — не отчаивайся Be a miracle — быть чудом Had enough — получить, иметь достаточно Keep telling — продолжать убеждать (говорить) Who are we to be … — кто мы такие, чтобы … Questioning — допрашивать Had better days — у нас были деньки получше It got to take control (разг.) — It has got to take control — обязательно контролировать You aint got to find no hiding place (разг.) — You don't have to find a hindg place — незачем искать место, где спрятаться The mind is playing with you — разум с тобой играет Go on -продолжать There's a good if you trust the good — хорошее есть, если ты веришь что хорошее есть Light up — зажечь Find it within — найди внутри —— Вы молодцы! Дорогу осилит идущий!

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